Since the opening of its doors, the Kairos House has served close to 6,000 people through meals and lodging. Though the house comfortably sleeps approximately 24 people, the house is often beyond capacity, hosting on average 30 – 35 people each night. Operational costs of the house are approximately $2,500 USD per month. These funds are generated through supporters of the ministry, both locally in Guatemala and from the United States . Currently, the total amount of “pledged” offerings does not equal even half of this budget. However, God is faithful and provides for every need within the ministry, at times over and beyond what is expected. His provision varies from someone sending a financial donation at just the right time for just the amount needed to a business owner donating over 2,000 eggs to an individual who read about the ministry in the newspaper, delivering a brand new refrigerator the same day the old one broke down.